Childcare students aim high

Childcare and Education Technical Diploma Level 3 students at Harrogate College, Alison Taylor and Emily Beecroft, have been recognised for their impressive achievements during their course.
Alison joined the course as a mature student after raising a family of five. Now that her children are older and independent, she decided to focus on pursuing a career in childcare. At the beginning of the course, Alison struggled with low confidence and lacked IT skills, and worried she may not pass the course. Through real determination and hard work, she mastered her IT skills and developed effective learning techniques needed to achieve a good grade.
During placements, staff commented on how fantastic she is with children and many have offered her jobs as a result. Alison recently secured a job at her local nursery in Pateley Bridge and plans to start work when the nursery re-opens. She also plans to progress on to a Foundation Degree in Childhood Studies in September.
Alison said: “When I first started the course, I felt really out of my depth and older than everyone there. However, everyone was incredibly supportive and made me feel really comfortable. At first, I even struggled turning the computer on! But my course mates were very kind in helping me get started and I’ve improved immensely. This course has given me a head start in a career I’ve always dreamed of.”
Meanwhile, Emily faced some incredibly difficult challenges in her personal life when she joined the course. Despite this, she remained focused on her course and worked very hard, engaging with all the pastoral help offered with a positive attitude. She consistently received excellent reports from her placements and occasionally worked during the holidays. Emily has ambitions of becoming a primary school teacher, and through her hard work and commitment has received offers from all five universities she applied for.
Emily said: “The support I got from the team at college was amazing; I always felt I had someone to talk to when I was struggling. This course has allowed me to begin my journey into teaching, supporting me every step of the way and making sure I did every piece of work to the best of my ability.”