Travelling the sublime, by Andrew Stratford
In a world dirtied by human disregard for our surroundings and persistently ravaged by seemingly endless conflict we can still, if we look hard enough, find some prodigious beauty around us. My current work is about a continuing search for the sublime in the landscape. Whether that is the few remaining scraps of the natural environment or that which has been manipulated by agriculture or even scarred by industry. I find the world around us endlessly fascinating, exciting, calming, uplifting and occasionally slightly terrifying.
I am as equally fascinated by nature as I am by the stark contrast of industrial and urban decay. I often find myself drawn to wide open spaces, big skies, the coast and the sea. Both outside in the landscape and in the studio, using my notes and sketchbooks for reference, I experiment with expressive, gestural mark-making to add spontaneity. I attempt to capture an emotion, a feeling of movement and atmosphere and to create depth and texture by building up layers of paint. Although my paintings are semi-abstract in nature, I always attempt to retain a sense of place and the human connection to it.
Visit St Wilfred’s Church, Duchy Road, HG1 2EY from 30 July – 2 August, 10am – 6pm to view Andrew’s work
Find out more about Andrew’s work