Student Life and Support

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Enrich Your Experience

At Harrogate College, we take a holistic approach to your education. We know that achieving your best is about more than ‘just’ your classroom learning. With an extensive selection of enrichment activities to join you will discover new hobbies, develop your social skills, and enhance your learning experience.We make time so you can enjoy a range of activities without compromising your academic work. That’s why the enrichment programme runs before and after college, as well as during lunchtimes.

With too many to name here we have chosen a few to give you a taste of what’s on offer:

  • Environmental Action
  • Board Games
  • Table Tennis
  • LGBTQ+ Space
  • Gardening
  • Upcycling
  • Social Action
  • BAME Group
  • Mental Health Champions

Activities are designed around you and your interests. So if you have an idea for an activity you would like to see added to the programme, call into the Student Life Drop In (Wednesday mornings).

Man in a computer lab looking at the camera

Learning Support

We have specialist support available for SEND students. For information, advice, and support if you have an EHCP, may be eligible for exam access arrangements, or think you may need support with a disability, get in touch with our friendly team by emailing

Support will be assessed on an individual basis and will vary depending on your assessed needs and Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) if you have one.

We also have the ‘Oasis Room’ – a safe space for students to address times of crisis, sensory overload, mental health issues, or periods of sudden change.

We offer additional learning support to full-time students who have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, prioritising those with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan and those who have a grade 4 or below in GCSE Mathematics and or GCSE English. By providing tuition to learners who require additional assistance, we are allowing them to catch up on their education and continue studying efficiently.

Tuition sessions are held in small groups – alongside one-to-one tutoring. All sessions will fit around the breakfast club, holidays and after-college teaching hours. Students will also benefit from study skills, focused revision and exam technique sessions, along with pastoral and wellbeing support. Tuition sessions will be delivered above and beyond the normal timetabled hours.


Our ilearn (independent learning) team is here to help students develop their independent learning skills, and achieve their personal goals. They complete this through: ilearn classes, student one-to-ones, and in-hub support.

There are five areas we support learners and staff with:

  • Digital skills such as Google Workspace, and safe AI use.
  • Future Ready Skills where we can assist with next steps, and use VR to prepare learners for job interviews.
  • Digital Sense in which we cover online safety and recognising fake news.
  • Independent Skills where we discuss time management and transitioning to the Further Education life style.
  • Academic Skills which can help with learner’s Academic Writing and Exam Preparations.

We focus on 35 skills within these five sectors.

Who we are: Matthew Wood and Carl Finch
Where to find us: ilearn Hub (A208)
How to contact us: Staff and learners can contact us over Google Chat (matthew.wood) (carl.finch). For external enquires please contact the college first.
Visit iLearn website:

Wellbeing and mental health support

We want you to achieve your best and recognise that good mental health and wellbeing are key to you succeeding.

We also recognise that each of us is likely to want a little support at some point. If you’re feeling sad, stressed, lonely or worried, know that you’re not alone and we can help you get the support that you need.

There are a number of ways to access the support you need.

If you are already in college you have direct access to:

Your tutor – talk directly, message on Google Chat or email

A PHSCE tutor – find your PHSCE tutor in A206, message on Google Chat or email

The wellbeing app – Self-refer to further support and find resources:

External organisations:
The Samaritans – call 116123 for free, any time of the day

For under 18s:
The Go To (if you live in North Yorkshire)
Mindmate (if you live in Leeds)

For over 18s:
NHS Information point (if you live in North Yorkshire)
Mindwell (if you live in Leeds)


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Break times
Union Life
Lunchtime Board Games


Sports Offer

Mental Health





DofE Social Action

Board Games/



Sports Offer

Online Careers



We add activities based on students’ interests and ideas, so if there’s an activity you would like to add, get in touch with or call into the Student Life Drop In on Wednesday mornings.

Male student sitting down smiling at the camera

Your voice matters

Life shouldn’t be what other people tell you it should be and that’s why we want to hear your thoughts. Voice your opinions, we listen. We want you to shape the college, because who better than the students to say what students want?

This is your college and we want you, and all Harrogate College students, to have a say in shaping the college. There are a number of ways you can get involved, from suggesting an enrichment activity to becoming a class representative, we want you to get involved.

Some of the positions available are listed below, click on the tile to read more. Should you want any more information about any role, or to register to join an activity or make a suggestion, please email