Governance & Strategy

About Harrogate College

Harrogate College is a member of Luminate Education Group. The wider group consists of Keighley College, Leeds City College, Leeds Conservatoire and University Centre Leeds. More information on Luminate Education Group can be found through the button below.

Governance at Luminate

Board Minutes

Minutes HCBoard 25Jun24

Minutes HCBoard 12Mar24

Minutes HCBoard 28Nov23

The Board of Governors

Harrogate College Board was established in 2019 as part of the Luminate Education Group governance structure. The objective of the board is to undertake the oversight of the operation of Harrogate College (developmental, quality and financial aspects) on behalf of the Group Board. It works closely with Group Board and the Group’s other Boards and Committees to deliver Group priorities. The Harrogate College Board Terms of Reference can be found through the button below.

Terms of reference

Governor profiles

Board Recruitment

Taking on a governance role is a hugely rewarding experience, allowing you to use your personal expertise and skills to help shape the future of our region and improve the prospects of our young people.

Governors are recruited from all sections of the community and applications are always welcomed from people of all cultural backgrounds.

If you are proud of your community, passionate about the future of the region, and want to utilise your valuable experience by contributing in a governance role, please get in touch. Email Melanie Halstead, director of governance.

Want to know more?

To find out more about governance at the Luminate Education Group, or to express your interest in a governance role, please contact Melanie Halstead, director of governance, by email at