Principal announcement – information on returning to college

You’ll be aware that following the Prime Minister’s statement and government updates since, that schools and colleges should plan to open from 1 June in a phased way.  

In his message, the Prime Minister specified a range of year groups, including those in years 10 and 12, with a focus on those taking exams in the following academic year. 

Most students at college, however, do not study two-year programmes with exams at the end; many courses are assessed at different times and in different ways. Practical courses (particularly those that need a formal assessment of their skills competence) and apprentices are not able to achieve their qualifications on the basis of a teacher proposed grade.  

We have been working hard on plans for a gradual and phased return of our students and staff with a focus on those who cannot achieve their qualifications or progress to the next level without some face-to-face support or assessment. We will only start this when we feel it is safe to do so.  

Because there is a lot of preparation needed to make our buildings safe and to prioritise which students need our support to achieve this year, we will not invite any students into college buildings until 15 June at the earliest.  

Your teachers will contact you individually by 5 June to let you know if you need to return before September. If you are not contacted by that date, please do not arrive at college on 15 June.

In the meantime, we hope that you are able to continue learning remotely and you are in regular contact with your teachers about next steps, whether that is continuation on your current course or progression to the next level, an apprenticeship, higher education or employment. 

Danny Wild
Principal Harrogate College 

Childcare students aim high

Alison Taylor profile picture
Alison Taylor

Childcare and Education Technical Diploma Level 3 students at Harrogate College, Alison Taylor and Emily Beecroft, have been recognised for their impressive achievements during their course.

Alison joined the course as a mature student after raising a family of five. Now that her children are older and independent, she decided to focus on pursuing a career in childcare. At the beginning of the course, Alison struggled with low confidence and lacked IT skills, and worried she may not pass the course. Through real determination and hard work, she mastered her IT skills and developed effective learning techniques needed to achieve a good grade.

During placements, staff commented on how fantastic she is with children and many have offered her jobs as a result. Alison recently secured a job at her local nursery in Pateley Bridge and plans to start work when the nursery re-opens. She also plans to progress on to a Foundation Degree in Childhood Studies in September.

Alison said: “When I first started the course, I felt really out of my depth and older than everyone there. However, everyone was incredibly supportive and made me feel really comfortable. At first, I even struggled turning the computer on! But my course mates were very kind in helping me get started and I’ve improved immensely. This course has given me a head start in a career I’ve always dreamed of.”

Meanwhile, Emily faced some incredibly difficult challenges in her personal life when she joined the course. Despite this, she remained focused on her course and worked very hard, engaging with all the pastoral help offered with a positive attitude. She consistently received excellent reports from her placements and occasionally worked during the holidays. Emily has ambitions of becoming a primary school teacher, and through her hard work and commitment has received offers from all five universities she applied for.

Emily said: “The support I got from the team at college was amazing; I always felt I had someone to talk to when I was struggling. This course has allowed me to begin my journey into teaching, supporting me every step of the way and making sure I did every piece of work to the best of my ability.”

Local teacher sews scrubs for NHS

Annabel Smith making scrubs for Harrogate Scrubbers
Annabel Smith making scrubs for Harrogate Scrubbers

A teacher at Harrogate College is supporting a local group in the production of scrubs for NHS workers.

Annabel Smith, programme manager for MA Creative Practice, has sewn three scrubs for frontline care staff across the district as part of community group Harrogate Scrubbers.

Launched by Fran Taylor, a teacher at St John Fishers High School, the group aims to address the increased demand for scrubs during the global pandemic. Since setting up the Facebook group three weeks ago, the page now has over 680 members including a strong network of sewers and delivery drivers to support key workers in the area.

Annabel said: “The community spirit sparked through Harrogate Scrubbers is inspiring. I originally heard about the group through a former fashion student and it’s been fantastic to see former colleagues and students getting involved. It’s marvellous to see the group attracting more attention; I’ve informed all my students and colleagues about it and really look forward to seeing it grow.

“I’ve taught fashion design and marketing at the college for over 14 years; teaching students how to design, cut patterns and construct garments. As an experienced sewer, this seemed like the perfect way to support NHS staff in the area. I’ve spent a week cutting and making the scrubs, which are now in use at Harrogate District Hospital.”

Harrogate Scrubbers is continuing to produce scrubs including laundry bags, scrub caps and waterproof gowns. To date, the group has produced 384 sets of scrubs and raised £16,274 for the NHS.

The group is urging the public to continue supporting the campaign to help staff at the hospital. To find out how you can support, visit the official Facebook page.

Carving a career

At Harrogate College, our carpentry courses allow students to develop advanced skills in our new facilities. 

We spoke with joinery tutor, Paul Flanaghan, and student, John Gardner, to find out more about studying Carpentry at the college.

What are the highlights of the course?

Paul: The practical skills students develop are invaluable. Whether it’s roofing or flooring, it’s fantastic to see their confidence build when using the hand tools and improving the accuracy of their cutting. 

John: The qualification is fantastic – it sets you up perfectly for a career in carpentry. The full-time course is only one year, meaning the contact hours are more per week which makes for really high quality learning and mentoring. 

What can students take away from the course?

Paul: A clear idea of their desired career path. We offer a Level 1 construction skills course which provides students with a taster of joinery, brickwork and more. This allows students to see which areas they prefer so they can decide what to do after; some are natural with timber and some with brickwork, so it acts as a taster course for them.

What do students learn about during the course?

Paul: Students grasp a good understanding of site procedures, building methods, advanced techniques and how to use complex machinery. There is also the opportunity to go on trips which helps to broaden the student experience. 

John: We’ve recently been developing our structural building type skills, such as roofing, floor joists, internal stud walling, fixing skirting boards and door hangings.

What advice would you give to a student wanting to study carpentry?

John: If they are wanting to gain the practical skills and qualifications needed to begin a career in carpentry, this course equips you with all the right tools. If a student is unsure about what they want to specialise in, this course is great as it’s really open. You are constantly learning different aspects and you can focus on what you like doing.

Does the course offer a welcoming environment for everyone?

Paul: Everyone is treated equally on the course. It’s an incredibly supportive environment and we all strive to see each other progress. We love seeing how ambitious our students are and are proud to give them a kick start in their future career.

Take a look at our Carpentry courses here.

College remains closed – a message from the principal

I hope you and your family are safe and well. I know these last weeks will have been challenging but I wanted to thank you as the vast majority of students have embraced remote learning and have engaged with their tutors very productively.  

Due to the likely further extension to the lockdown, we wanted to let you know that the college will remain closed after the Easter holidays (from 20 April) until further notice.

I’d like to reassure you that we will do our utmost to support you to achieve and progress this academic year and you can access careers support to help with your plans for September. 

Your studies will continue remotely with Google Classroom or your designated digital platform. We hope you’re adjusting well to this new way of learning. If you are having any issues, please contact your tutor. 

We have provided some Chromebooks and other devices to students who didn’t have access to these; again, your tutor can be contacted if access to remote learning materials, teaching and assessment remains an issue.    

While our college is closed, we will still be available to offer advice and guidance to potential and existing students, parents and members of the public. You can contact us by emailing

This is an unsettling time for us all. Below are some useful links if you are struggling with your mental health:

All students who were entitled to a free college meal will continue to receive support through a voucher scheme. This seems to be working well but please do contact your tutor if there are problems accessing this. There is lots of information about our support services on the college website and the student intranet. 

I do hope we can welcome you back to college before too long, but in the meantime, we need to maintain social distancing recommendations and do our best to limit the spread of the virus. 

We will keep you updated of any changes, informed by recommendations from Public Health England and the government, as soon as they are made.  

Take care and stay healthy! 

Yours sincerely

Danny Wild
Principal – Harrogate College

A letter to parents from the Principal of Harrogate College

I hope you and your families are safe and well at this time. I wanted to update you on the progress of Harrogate College since our physical closedown and our expectations of students while studying at home.

The overarching story from Harrogate College is that staff have been working incredibly hard to adapt to teaching fully online, while juggling the care of children and family members. The levels of student engagement have exceeded our expectations and those who have been struggling have been in contact with our pastoral support staff.

You will be aware that all examinations and controlled assessments have been cancelled for this summer. The grading for student qualifications will be done on predictions based on coursework completed and mock examinations. Ofqual are still working with awarding bodies on the exact detail for each qualification type, but be reassured this situation will not impact on your child’s ability to progress.

While learning away from college all students have access to either Google Classroom or online portfolios where teachers are publishing content to support learning and setting assignments to be submitted online. As I explained above, all grades this year will be awarded based on coursework completed and mock examinations, therefore students must continue to commit to their studies in the same way they would in college. Learning online is different to the classroom and our guide to staff and students is designed to support students to achieve their target grades.

Each student will have access to online learning relative to their timetabled lessons in college. Therefore if your child has 10 lessons per week, then there will be 10 lessons each week for them to complete including their vocational subject area and where applicable English and maths. The expectation is that each lesson will have two activities and one assessment as a minimum. We do not expect the lessons to take up the same real time as a timetabled lesson. In addition to the online lessons students will be set assignments to be complete.

Interactions with teachers is important, therefore your child’s teacher will be online two hours per day to speak directly to your son or daughter through Google Hangouts. This will be one hour in the morning and one in the afternoon and the times will be published on Google Classroom. In addition, students can leave messages on Google Hangouts at any time, which staff will respond to during working hours.

Although the use of Google Classroom and Hangouts may be new to you, this is familiar practice for your son or daughter. For students who do not engage, our teachers and pastoral staff will be following up to ensure they do not fall behind with their learning.

I would ask at this time, you check that your child is engaging with Google Classroom and if they are struggling ask them to make contact with their teachers.

If you have any questions about the progress of your son or daughter, please email their teachers, using

Harrogate College will remain closed for the Easter Holidays on Friday 3 April until Monday 20 April. We are encouraging staff to take leave over that period, so the content on your child’s Google Classroom will be reduced over the Easter period. If your child is in need of support at that time, we still encourage them to make contact with teachers and pastoral staff as help will be available. From Monday 20 April, all staff will be working and expecting students to fully engage with their learning.

I will be in touch over the coming weeks to provide further updates.

Kind regards,

Danny Wild – Principal Harrogate College

Calculated grades for this year’s summer exams

The government has made the decision to cancel the 2020 summer examinations. We realise there will be a lot of unanswered questions as the guidance is quite limited at this stage, but we wanted to share with you what we do know or expect to happen.

This information is applicable to the summer exams for GCSEs, A levels, BTEC and some other equivalent vocational qualifications. Other qualifications’ awarding bodies may require students to sit an exam and/or assessment at a later date.​

Students will be awarded grades which fairly reflect the work they have put in. Please rest assured we will be doing everything we can to ensure that each student is awarded the grade they deserve in recognition of their hard work. It is clear from the announcement that every effort will be made to make sure that students will not be disadvantaged and will be able to progress as appropriate, to the next stage of their lives. 

Teachers will be asked to submit judgements about the grades students would have received if exams had gone ahead. This judgement will be informed by a range of evidence and data which could include; 

• A wide range of assessments completed by students over the course of the year 

• Mock examination grades 

• Class work and coursework

This will then be combined with prior attainment data and expected pathways to produce a calculated grade that is fair and expected. We will work closely with the exam boards to ensure that every one of our students achieves the right outcomes based on what is fair and reflective of their performance. This is important for adult learners or students who have only been studying their subject in this academic year.

For those who have exams as part of a vocational or technical qualification, some units will have already been assessed and completed. These will be important evidence in informing the final awarded grade. We will follow the guidance and work with the awarding organisations to ensure there is a flexible and pragmatic approach, so these students are not disadvantaged in any way. 

It is intended that students will be awarded their calculated grades before the end of July. Be reassured that grading and certification will look the same as in previous years.

Where students feel that their calculated grade does not reflect their performance, the option to sit an exam at the earliest reasonable opportunity will be available, or in the summer of 2021.

Students should continue with their remote learning as planned and supported by their teachers. This will make a difference in readiness for their next steps, and in completion of any assessments that may be used to inform the calculated grades. You should contact your tutor/s if you need any support.

We would like to offer assurance that although our ‘in college’ normal way of working has been interrupted, you can still apply for your next steps at college. We are doing different types of (safe) interviews and you will hear from us in due course.

We look forward to celebrating the achievements of all our current students and meeting those who are yet to join us, as we plan for the new academic year ahead.

Temporary closure of Harrogate College

We are taking temporary measures to address concerns about coronavirus. Our priority is our staff and students and we have made the difficult but necessary decision to close Harrogate College from 3pm on Friday 20 March.

We will be facilitating the continuation of all learning electronically using Google Classroom and other digital platforms. Your teacher will have provided all the details you need to continue your learning remotely and can be contacted directly via Google Hangouts or email.

Some of our provisions have already started working remotely, so if that includes your course, please continue your studies as instructed.

If you think you might have coronavirus or if you have been in close contact with someone who has, please follow the government and NHS advice. Further information can be found here.

We understand that this is an unsettling time for us all. Below are some useful links if you are struggling with your mental health:

There is also support available for anyone living with domestic abuse

While our campus is closed, we will still be available to offer advice and guidance to potential and existing students, parents and members of the public. You can contact us via web chat here or by email at

If you’re having difficulties at home such as financial issues or general worries, contact your PAL (pastoral staff)  via phone, Google Hangouts or email for help and support.

We look forward to seeing you back at college soon.

Yours sincerely

Danny Wild – Principal Harrogate College

Coronavirus contingency planning

In light of recent developments and advice from the government, I wanted to let you know how we are preparing for every eventuality to ensure that students’ safety and learning are our priority.

If the situation changes, we will communicate to students via text and email and clear information will be available on our website.  We are monitoring our staffing levels as well as following the advice of Public Health England and the Department for Education.  I am sure you understand that much of this is outside of our control.

We are protecting students and staff through:

We have been planning for the possible disruptions COVID 19 could bring and there are a number of possibilities, including partial closure to full closure of the college. We will keep our website updated as regularly as we are able and will work with as many students as possible to ensure they are able to continue their learning on a range of online platforms. As yet, we have no further guidance regarding summer exams and the advice from OFQUAL is to prepare as usual.

We appreciate that this is a difficult and worrying time for our students, their families and communities and we thank you for your support in this matter.

Thank you,

Danny Wild – Principal Harrogate College