Final major project exhibition – The Enchanted Forest: Croatian folklore by Ingrid Moss

Visit St Peter’s church, Cambridge road, HG1 1PB from 11 July – 13 July, 10am – 4pm to view Ingrid’s work

Art by Ingrid Moss

I have always enjoyed and appreciated the Design Process and have found working on the MA Creative Practice course at Harrogate College, extremely rewarding as I have accomplished my goals; developing and creating refined results when working with clay. Whilst embracing a variety of techniques and methodologies has helped me to realise my Final Project.
For my Final Project, I decided to look towards my maternal Grandma’s native town of Lovas, Yugoslavia, now Croatia, for inspiration and as a tribute to my Gran, Franciska Rack-Mullion (1924- 2018).

‘Croatian Tales of Long Ago’, written by Ivana Brlic – Mazuranic and illustrated by Vladimir Kirin and originally published by Matica Hrvatska in 1916, provided the starting point for my research.

Find out more about Ingrid’s work