Sparking learning into life

Two Motor vehicle students recently put their skills to the test – by creating their own e-bikes.

The Level 2 students were looking for a more reliable mode of transport. So when an opportunity to convert their bicycles into e-bikes presented itself at college, they seized it.

Student Aidan Stone said: “I converted my bike by taking off the back wheel and fitting a new one with the motor attached to the wheel, then I fitted the battery and controller to the frame and wired everything up.

“I needed a more reliable mode of transport than an e-scooter. This helps me get to work and to college, and it has better range.

“We learned about the electrics of vehicles which helped me a lot when wiring my bike up. Our technician, Chris Poole and lecturer, Howard Wallace were a great help.

“I have found my course brilliant and we’re always learning new stuff. Once I’ve finished, I’m hoping to go into a garage.”

Harrogate College is focused on supporting the green economy by providing the green skills training our district needs. As part of that commitment, we will be introducing a new electric vehicle infrastructure training course this September.

We have also teamed up with a number of local experts to promote the sustainable agenda. Those include eDub Conversions, a North Yorkshire company that specialises in electric vehicle conversions.

When it came to his bicycle conversion, student Eddie Gibbs took inspiration from the local business’s example. He said: “What eDub is doing is trying a completely new thing in the area of vehicles, and helping to expand the motor vehicle industry.”

Eddie is hoping to land a job in the motorsport industry.

Programme Manager for Business and Professional at Harrogate College, Deborah Redman, taught both students English over the past two years.

She said: “We are all really proud of the progress they have made while they have been here. They are both passionate about cars, and showing an interest in the green agenda.”

Sustainability is a key value for the college, which has published a pledge that sets out its goal of becoming net zero carbon by 2030.

It is also providing carbon literacy training for students and staff, and has taken steps to ensure recycling and sustainability are embedded into all of its courses.