Great day out for a great cause

Saving the planet can be fun!

That’s the message organisers want visitors to the launch of the first Harrogate District Climate Action Festival (CAFé) to take home after enjoying a great day out.

The three-week event will be launched at Harrogate College on Saturday 2 October when dozens of exhibitors will be talking about, and showing, how they are adapting to secure a more sustainable future.

What Does the Future Look Like? is free to attend, runs from 10am to 4pm and aims to inspire visitors while shining a light on all kinds of green innovations.

Live music, educational sheep and some digital orienteering

The day’s entertainment highlights are set to include:

The college’s hospitality students will also be selling food they’ve prepared especially for the occasion. And, at 2pm, festival organisers Harrogate District Climate Change Coalition (HDCCC) will announce the winner of its ‘climate friendly ideas’ schools competition.

Inspiring ideas – and a great day out

Harrogate College’s Partnerships and Development Lead, Holly Hansen-Maughan, said: “Supporting district-wide efforts to secure a greener and fairer future, and providing the green skills that will be needed as we move to a stronger, circular economy is a key part of the college’s work and values.

“This launch day for the district’s first ever Climate Action Festival will be packed with activities that have been designed to entertain, as well as educate, to ensure visitors experience the best of both worlds.

“We would urge everyone to come along and find out more about sustainability and the things we can all do to make a difference – while also enjoying a great day out with some really fun attractions and activities.

“We can’t wait to welcome visitors and get the whole festival off to a flying start!”

The launch, sponsored by Techbuyer, will also include keynote speeches from Andy Shepherd, Professor of Earth Observation at the University of Leeds, and Harrogate and Knaresborough MP Andrew Jones.

The full itinerary for the day includes:

From 10am – 4pm: Over 30 outdoor exhibits including: a model passive house, built on site; electric cars; a map of the world to walk on and follow technology journeys; models of different energy supplies; demonstrations of building and heating systems; information on how homes and businesses can change for the better; digital orienteering activity; furry friends to play with whilst you learn about sustainable wool.

11am-12 noon: Welcome and Keynote speeches from: Neil Coles, Chair of HDCCC; Danny Wild, Principal of Harrogate College; Andrew Jones, MP for Harrogate & Knaresborough; Professor Andy Shepherd, from the School of Earth & Environment, University of Leeds; Clive Wilson, author of Designing the Purposeful World; Trevor Chapman, Mayor of the Borough of Harrogate.

12 noon: A bespoke musical performance by Leeds Conservatoire.

2pm: Festival organisers HDCCC will announce the winner of its ‘climate friendly ideas’ schools competition.

The CAFé as a whole, which runs until 21 October, has been organised to provide a green focal point for the district just before the government hosts the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on October 31.

The festival will also include a Net Zero business conference at Harrogate Convention Centre on Friday 15 October and a variety of fringe events, including a Sustainability Conference for Children on Thursday 14 October.

For more details visit