Vision, Mission & Values

British Values

The College is dedicated to promoting values which support our students to develop a strong sense of social and moral responsibility.

Students are prepared for life in modern Britain by developing an understanding of:


How we can influence decision making through democratic processes such as the national electoral system, local elections or our own Students’ Union elections.

The Rule of Law

The rule of law, in its most basic form, is the principle that no one is above the law and that the law applies equally to us all, rulers and ruled alike. We are law abiding citizens and we are all accountable to the laws of our society.

Individual Liberty

We understand and exercise our human rights in a safe environment. Students are supported and encouraged to make informed choices about their future progression pathways.

Mutual Respect and Acceptance

We promote the importance of mutual respect through our shared ‘Acceptable Standards’ of behaviour and we actively promote diversity and accept that people have different faiths or beliefs.

The College promotes these values through our Acceptable Standards charter, which can be found throughout the College.