Free eco-friendly house building course

Construction businesses can find out how to make super energy-efficient buildings through a free course we are delivering.

Passive House for Construction Professionals and Management, a four week, one-day-a-week training programme that has been fully funded by the government, will start on Tuesday 7 March.

Passive houses are built to rigorous energy efficient design standards to help them maintain an almost constant temperature – thereby slashing their energy bills and carbon footprint.

The course will be run by Leeds-based passive house specialists Pure Haus, who will also be installing a mini passive house in our grounds on Thursday 2 March.

Welcome to the future of the construction industry

Director Kevin Pratt said: “Building energy efficient homes and retrofitting homes to make them more energy efficient is the future.

“I’m so pleased that Harrogate College has embraced the future of the construction industry and this course is a really exciting project for us to be involved in.

“We’re looking forward to installing a ‘mini pure haus’ at the college, too; it will be a real eye-opener for students and help educate them about how we need to build homes to play our part in tackling climate change.”

As an environmentally conscious college which is working to achieve carbon zero status by 2035, we are always looking for ways to raise awareness of the sustainability and green skills agenda. In March, we will be holding a variety of environmentally-focused activities for our Green Month.

One of those events will see Zero Carbon Harrogate, at 6.30pm on 16 March, present a free introductory talk on Retrofitting Your Home. Guests will hear from several expert speakers about the art of eco-renovation and how to go about improving the energy efficiency of their properties.

This will be the latest in a string of retrofit courses or information events that we have helped to deliver over the past two years.

Playing our part in the fight against climate change

Principal Danny Wild said: “Creating more energy efficient buildings, and improving the efficiency of the ones we already have, is an important part of the fight against climate change.

“We are delighted to be partnering with local businesses and community groups to raise awareness of, and offer training in, skills like passive house building and retrofitting.

“It is such practices that we all need to adopt, as organisations and individuals, if we are to make real change, reduce our collective carbon footprint and, of course, save money.”

Other Green Month events will include a visit by North Yorkshire Rotters and their smoothie-making bicycle on 3 March and a fashion show on 29 March. A variety of sustainably produced dishes, meanwhile, will be served in the canteen throughout the month.

Click here to book a place on Passive House for Construction Professionals and Management. The retrofit talk, meanwhile, can be booked here.

National recognition for our sustainability work

Our commitment to sustainability has been recognised by a major environmental awards scheme.

The Green Gown Awards celebrates examples of exceptional green projects that are being carried out by education institutions across the country.

Harrogate College reached the finals this year after being shortlisted for the Tomorrow’s Employees category. The judges were impressed by the partnership work we are doing to provide retrofit training, our delivery of green skills based on local feedback, and our efforts to embed sustainability into our courses.

The 2022 winners were announced at Loughborough University on November 8, when Professor Sir Duncan Wingham, Executive Chair of the Natural Environment Research Council, congratulated all the finalists.

He said: “Their work is helping us to meet the challenge of ensuring environmental sustainability is an inherent part of research and innovation excellence.”

Another step towards green excellence

The college, which is striving to become a recognised centre of green excellence, also now provides carbon literacy training for all of our staff and students.

We have been teaming up with local organisations such as Harrogate District Climate Change Coalition to raise awareness of, and provide courses on, retrofitting – which makes buildings more energy efficient.

And we are working closely with businesses, too – through our Employers’ Network – to provide training in other green skill areas including electrical vehicle charging technology and renewable energy installation.

Principal Danny Wild said: “As a college that is determined to play its part in tackling the climate emergency, we are pleased to see our ever-evolving sustainability work being recognised in this way.

“The Green Gown Awards celebrate best practice in environmental initiatives across the country, so we are in good company.

“This recognition will inspire us to work even harder to become a centre of green excellence and, as outlined in our Sustainability Pledge, become a net zero college by 2035.”

The college’s environmental work was previously recognised by the Green Gown Awards in 2021, when its Performance and Projects Coordinator was shortlisted in the Sustainability Champion category.

Landlords turn out for retrofit information evening

The district’s landlords have been finding out about the benefits of ‘eco-refurbishment’ at an information event hosted by Harrogate College.

Retrofit for Landlords, run in partnership with Harrogate District Climate Change Coalition, took place on Wednesday 2 November.

Seventeen local landlords heard from expert guest speakers about how they could go about retrofitting their properties, thereby cutting tenants’ energy bills while reducing carbon emissions.

The speakers included Mike Kaye from Energy Oasis, Sarah Stark and Emma Wade from Harrogate Borough Council, Erin Wheeler from York and North Yorkshire Enterprise Partnership (LEP), and John Kerr from Zero Carbon Harrogate.

Supporting action on climate change

Harrogate College’s Principal, Danny Wild, said: “We were delighted to team up with Harrogate District Climate Change Coalition to hold this information evening.

“Improving the efficiency of our district’s rented properties is a crucial part of the wider push towards sustainability, so it was encouraging to see such a good turnout.

“Guests also had lots of questions for the speakers about how they could develop their properties to help support their tenants.

“As a college, we are committed to reducing our own carbon emissions while delivering the green skills training our economy needs. We are only too pleased to work with local landlords, businesses and forward-thinking organisations on initiatives like this which will be vital in our efforts to slow climate change.”

Subjects covered on the night included: a Net-Zero Toolkit, how landlords can access free energy-efficiency training, details on a new local grant to support retrofit projects, and a look at some successful retrofitting schemes.

Harrogate Business Newsletter – October

Harrogate College prides itself on working hand in hand with local businesses and organisations to provide the skills and training they need to ensure that our economy grows and thrives. Our monthly newsletter is a handy way of keeping our partners informed of developments at the college.
To receive future Harrogate College Business Newsletters directly to your inbox click here

Business Newsletter – October 2022
Dear partners,

We are delighted to include reports in this edition of three very positive events that the college has hosted over the past few weeks.

In October, some of the district’s key businesses sent along representatives to the annual meeting of the Harrogate College Employers’ Network, to hear more about how it is helping firms thrive.

Then on 2 November we had two events on the same day. Our Student Recruitment Fair gave employers a chance to talk directly to appropriately trained students about potential vacancies that might fit around their studies.

That was followed, in the evening, by our hosting of Retrofit for Landlords, which was held in partnership with Harrogate District Climate Change Coalition. Part of our continuing drive to promote sustainability and green skills, this event shone a light on the many benefits of eco-refurbishment.

Read on to find out more!

Danny Wild

Harrogate College Networking meeting explores opportunities
Representatives from some of the district’s highest profile businesses took part in the 2022 annual meeting of Harrogate College Employers’ Network (HCEN).The event, held on 20 October, gave local employers an opportunity to reflect on the achievements of the last year and suggest how the college could further support the needs of their industries.Existing and prospective members also heard more about what benefits the employer network offers, and how they can get involved in shaping the skills and training of the future workforce.The meeting also offered attendees a first-look at the proposed Pathway to Employment Programme, which, among other things, would support the costs and challenges relating to recruitment and employee retention.

Read the full story here


Landlords hear about the benefits of retrofitting
The district’s landlords have been finding out about the benefits of ‘eco-refurbishment’ at an information event hosted by the college.

Retrofit for Landlords, run in partnership with Harrogate District Climate Change Coalition, took place on Wednesday 2 November. Seventeen local landlords heard from expert guest speakers about how they could go about retrofitting their properties, thereby cutting tenants’ energy bills while reducing carbon emissions.

Harrogate College’s Principal, Danny Wild, said: “Improving the efficiency of our district’s rented properties is a crucial part of the wider push towards sustainability, so it was encouraging to see such a good turnout.

“As a college, we are committed to reducing our own carbon emissions while delivering the green skills training our economy needs.”

Click here for the full story.


A Bustling Recruitment Fair
Harrogate-based employers have been meeting and interviewing our students about exciting potential opportunities.

Representatives from 10 businesses visited Harrogate College on Wednesday 2 November to take part in a Student Recruitment Fair.

The event, set up through the Harrogate College Employers’ Network (HCEN), let local companies talk directly to students – all with customer service training experience – about their work.

They were also able to hold interviews with some students about positions with part-time, study-friendly hours – resulting in at least two job offers being made on the day.

Read the full story here.


Work with us! We are a college that prides itself on collaborating wth the district’s businesses and community groups. To find out more contact Business Engagement Advisor Susan Roberts, email:

We hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of our Business Newsletter – we’ll be back with more next month!

Retrofit for Landlords information evening

Landlords can find out about the benefits of retrofitting at an information evening at Harrogate College.

Retrofit for Landlords, which is being held in partnership with Harrogate District Climate Change Coalition, takes place from 6pm to 7.30pm on Wednesday 2 November.

Designed to explain how ‘eco-refurbishment’ of properties can improve efficiency, cut energy bills and reduce carbon emissions, the event will feature several presentations.

Guest speakers will include Sarah Stark from Harrogate Borough Council, who will be sharing details about a new council grant that can be used by landlords and answering questions about EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) regulations.

Shining a light on how to help the environment and the economy

Harrogate College Principal, Danny Wild, said: “We look forward to welcoming many landlords  to this event, where they can hear about the benefits of retrofitting.

“Working closely with local employers, to ensure our courses and training delivers the maximum possible benefit to them, is one of our key aims.

“We are also striving to become a net zero carbon college* by 2030, as set out in our sustainability pledge, and supporting green skills like retrofitting aligns perfectly with our sustainability goals.

“So we are delighted to be teaming up with the Harrogate District Climate Change Coalition to stage this event, which sets out how practical steps can be taken to help both our economy and the environment.”

Expert speakers

Other guest speakers will include Erin Wheeler and Katie Privett from York and North Yorkshire LEP, who will give presentations on the net-zero business toolkit and energy and retrofit options, respectively.

John Kerr from Zero Carbon Harrogate, meanwhile, will be discussing the work it is doing – including through teaming up with Harrogate College – to provide free retrofit training, and how landlords can access it.

Places at the event can be booked here:

*The college now provides carbon literacy training for its staff and students, and has embedded sustainable practice into all of its courses as it works towards becoming a recognised centre of green excellence.

Harrogate College Business Newsletter – September 2022

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Harrogate College prides itself on working hand in hand with local businesses and organisations to provide the skills and training they need to ensure that our economy grows and thrives. Our monthly newsletter is a handy way of keeping our partners informed of developments at the college.
To receive future Harrogate College Business Newsletters directly to your inbox click here

Business Newsletter – September 2022
Dear partners,

As we head into the autumn we are more focused than ever on consolidating our ties with local businesses to deliver a truly employer-led curriculum.

The Harrogate College Employers’ Network, which allows businesses to have a direct influence on our training and skills offer, is a key part of that strategy. Some 25 organisations came to the network’s launch event last autumn, and we are looking forward to welcoming many more to the 2022 annual meeting in October.

One of the new initiatives to have emerged through feedback from the network is our Student Employer Programme. This allows employers to hire students with the skills they need directly from the college, on a flexible, part time basis. Read on for more details of the programme’s Recruitment Fair, in November.

Sustainability is another of the college’s core values and we are continually looking at ways to introduce courses and host events to support the green skills agenda. We are therefore delighted to also share, this month, news of an upcoming retrofit awareness evening aimed specifically at property owners.

We hope you enjoy the read.

Danny Wild
Harrogate College

Annual meeting of the Harrogate College Employers’ Network
The Harrogate College Employers’ Network (HCEN) is inviting businesses across the district to get involved – and reap the benefits.

Set up to allow employers to have a direct influence on the courses and training the college provides, the network will hold its annual meeting on Thursday 20 October. Open to prospective as well as existing members, the 10am to noon event will be a chance to hear about the progress HCEN has made over the past year, plus the rewards it offers.

Attending businesses will also be able to tell the Principal, Danny Wild, about what they would like to see from Harrogate College, its curriculum and the network going forward.

Those attending will also hear about the Student Employer Programme, which allows employers to hire students with the skills they need directly from the college, on a part-time basis that fits around their studies.

Read the full story here.

Retrofit for Landlords
Landlords can find out about the benefits of retrofitting at an information evening at Harrogate College this autumn.

Retrofit for Landlords, which is being held in partnership with Harrogate District Climate Change Coalition, takes place from 6pm to 7.30pm on Wednesday 2 November. Designed to explain how ‘eco-refurbishment’ of properties can improve efficiency, cut energy bills and reduce carbon emissions, the event will feature several presentations.

Guest speakers will include Sarah Stark from Harrogate Borough Council, who will be sharing details about a new council grant that can be used by landlords and answering questions about EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) regulations.

Places can be booked here.

Harrogate College Recruitment Fair
This event, organised through the Student Employer Programme, takes place from 10am to 2pm on Wednesday 2 November.

It will be a chance for employers to come into college to talk about work opportunities and interview students who have had customer service training.

Job offers – on a basis that ensures the students can continue to meet all of their studying requirements – can also be made on the day.
We hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of our Business Newsletter – we’ll be back with more next month!

Harrogate College Business Newsletter – February 2022

Harrogate College prides itself on working hand in hand with local businesses and organisations to provide the skills and training they need to ensure that our economy grows and thrives. Our monthly newsletter is a handy way of keeping our partners informed of developments at the college.

To receive future Harrogate College Business Newsletters directly to your inbox click here
Business Newsletter – February 2022
Dear Partners,

As we enter a new month the environment, which is always one of our top priorities, becomes our main focus in terms of on-campus activities.

Harrogate College is embracing March as Green Month and will be hosting all kinds of events, ranging from litter picks to art competitions, to raise awareness. Aimed at both our students and staff and the wider local community, the month will involve several events featuring local businesses and organisations.

In February, meanwhile, we were pleased to hold two events as part of our ongoing commitment to the local economy (and, in retrofitting’s case, its environment) – a retrofit awareness evening along with a week of sector-specific Harrogate College Employers’ Network sessions. Both were well attended and generated lots of positive feedback, which will help us as we plan future events.

We are also delighted to report here on some great funding news for the charity we have been working closely with on retrofit initiatives, Zero Carbon Harrogate.

We hope you enjoy the read.

Danny Wild
Harrogate College


Networking in specialist areas
The Harrogate College Employers’ Network was established last autumn to help local firms, including those with connections to the college, link up and discover mutually beneficial links.

Our successful launch event was open to any interested businesses and in February we followed this up with a week of sector-specific networking events.

These took place between Monday 14 and Friday 18 February and covered Energy & Construction, Digital, Business & Finance, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Retail and Education & Training. The feedback that has been gathered will help us influence current courses, start new short courses, develop bespoke upskilling programmes for businesses, and create direct employment opportunities for our students with local employers.

If you would like to get involved, please don’t hesitate to contact us. All are invited to the next Employers’ Network event on Thursday 16 June. This will be a celebration of the network and an opportunity to share details about the impact, to date, of the feedback it has generated.

To sign up click here

Retrofit success – and funding boost for a valued partner
We have been promoting the many benefits of retrofitting – the energy efficiency skills needed for eco-renovation – for a number of months now, in an initiative that has involved close collaboration with Zero Carbon Harrogate.

In January the college teamed up with People Powered Retrofit to hold a two-day Foundations of Eco-Retrofit course, aimed specifically at construction industry professionals, that proved a big hit and was fully booked. Then on February 17 we staged a second retrofit awareness event, featuring expert speakers from local businesses and representatives from Zero Carbon Harrogate, that also proved popular.

We are now delighted to share the news that Zero Carbon Harrogate, following its link-ups with the college, has received grants totalling more than £135,000 to pursue further retrofitting projects.

The money, from Ofgem’s Energy Redress Scheme and the National Lottery’s Together for our Planet fund, will pay for a major retrofit programme, including training and engagement, in the Harrogate District.

Green Month
As part of its commitment to the green agenda, March will be ‘Green Month’ at Harrogate College, with a schedule of environmentally-focused events lined up for students and the wider Harrogate community.

The activities will include panel discussions, litter picks, environmentally themed art exhibitions, wildflower planting, poster competitions and more.

Many of the events are open to local residents, as well as our students and staff, and will involve the participation of local businesses and other organisations.

For full details follow the Green Month events link here

We hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of our Business Newsletter – we’ll be back with more next month!

Harrogate College Business Newsletter – January, 2022

Harrogate College prides itself on working hand in hand with local businesses and organisations to provide the skills and training they need to ensure that our economy grows and thrives. Our monthly newsletter is a handy way of keeping our partners informed of developments at the college.

To receive future Harrogate College Business Newsletters directly to your inbox click here
Business Newsletter – January, 2022
Dear Partners,

2022 may only be a month old but Harrogate College is already pushing ahead with initiatives designed to further strengthen our ties with, and support for, local employers – along with our commitment to sustainability.

Retrofitting is a fast-growing sector and, as the demand for eco-renovation soars, one that represents a world of exciting opportunities.

The college, keen to support both environmentally conscious householders and tradespeople, has been proud to be at the forefront of efforts to raise awareness of this field. You can find out more below about our forthcoming retrofit awareness evening, and the success of the retrofit course we launched recently in partnership with another organisation.

We are also looking forward to hosting a week of sector-specific sessions through the Harrogate College Employers’ Network. Open and free to anyone who books a place, these events will give professionals working in our district’s key industries the chance to meet and share ideas.

Our support for the local economy, of course, also involves supporting jobseekers – not least through the many vocational courses and apprenticeships we run. We are delighted to also now announce that, as a practical way of helping, our beauty salon is offering free haircuts and manicures for anyone who has an upcoming interview.

That is just another example of our ongoing commitment to make our area, and its residents and businesses, flourish as we push on into the new year.

Danny Wild
Harrogate College


Build contacts in your field through our Employers’ Network
The Harrogate College Employers’ Network (HCEN), which launched last autumn, is all about helping local businesses support each other – and using their feedback to tailor our courses to meet their needs.

This February we are holding a week of sector-specific networking sessions to help people working in the same or linked industries build new contacts and explore future collaborations.

The meetings, which are free and open to non-members, take place between Monday 14 and Friday 18 February and will cover Energy & Construction, Digital, Business & Finance, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Retail and Education & Training.
Places can be booked here.

Each session will include an open table discussion plus a chance to network, while enjoying complimentary tea and cake.

Feedback from the events will also influence the content of our courses as we strive to deliver an employer-led curriculum.

HCEN members enjoy a range of benefits including the chance to shape the curriculum, course discounts, and free advertising and promotion across the college’s media platforms.


A cut above
Who doesn’t feel better after a haircut or/and a manicure? And who doesn’t want to look as smart as possible before a job interview? That is the thinking behind the college’s generous new offer to jobseekers.

Interviewees can book themselves in for a free haircut or manicure, which will be carried out by students at the college’s fully equipped, professional standard training salons, by sending an email to

The haircuts are being offered between 3pm and 7pm on Wednesdays, while the manicures can be booked in slots from 10am on Thursdays.

Programme Manager for Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy, Steph Keedy, said: “We really enjoy working with the local community and initiatives like this are very rewarding for our students – while also helping them complete their qualifications.

“We hope that by offering someone a new haircut and manicure it will give them a confidence boost that may help them on their way to finding a new job.”

For the full story click here

More awareness – and high demand – for retrofit
Our new two day Foundations of Eco-Retrofit course, which we are running with People Powered Retrofit, has already proved to be a hit. The first course, held on Saturday 22 and Saturday 29 January, was fully booked with attendees travelling from as far as Newcastle to take part.

The specialist course has been structured to help construction industry professionals obtain some of the key skills that are needed to break into the increasingly lucrative eco-renovation sector, and will run again at the college on Saturday 12 and Saturday 19 March.

The college is also keen to promote the benefits of retrofitting to the wider community and will host a second awareness raising event on Thursday 17 February. Open to everyone – including householders, builders, landlords and estate agents – the event runs from 5pm to 7pm.

Attendees will be able to put questions to experts in the field, including Adam Harper, a certified passive house tradesperson, and Chris Wilde, MD of Yorkshire Energy Systems Ltd. Representatives from Zero Carbon Harrogate will also be sharing details about some exciting upcoming changes to retrofit in the local area that have been made possible thanks to new funding.


We hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of our Business Newsletter – we’ll be back with more next month!

Harrogate College Business Newsletter – December, 2021

Harrogate College prides itself on working hand in hand with local businesses and organisations to provide the skills and training they need to ensure that our economy grows and thrives. Our monthly newsletter is a handy way of keeping our partners informed of developments at the college.

Business Newsletter – December, 2021

Dear Partners,

Welcome, as we start a new year full of exciting fresh opportunities, to our monthly newsletter.

Harrogate College prides itself on working closely with businesses to provide an employer-led curriculum, and on helping to provide the green skills training that will be so crucial to our economy as we transition to a more environmentally supportive model.

So we are proud to focus, in this month’s edition, on a new course that we are launching this month, which is focused on what is becoming an ever more important part of the sustainability toolkit – retrofitting. Our securing of Department for Education funding to run a retrofit course follows on from our key role in helping the Harrogate district stage its first ever Climate Action Festival last year, and reflects our commitment to both the green skills agenda and the local construction industry.

We also have a number of Harrogate College Employers’ Network events to look forward to as we progress into the new year, and seek to consolidate our ties with our local business partners while exploring new opportunities.

I hope you enjoy the read and look forward to working with you throughout 2022.

Danny Wild
Harrogate College

Leading the way on green skills with our Retrofit course

We are delighted to be launching a specialist new course, Foundations of Eco-Retrofit, that is designed to give local construction industry members a route into the ever-growing energy efficient homes market.

Run by experienced retrofit contractors and experts from not-for-profit organisation, People Powered Retrofit, the two-day course is focused on helping small businesses and sole traders build on their existing knowledge and skills so they can carry out eco-renovation works.

Those taking part will also benefit from meeting other local businesses, gain insights into how to stay up-to-date with the latest green building techniques, and learn how to find new retrofit opportunities.

Harrogate College’s Partnerships and Development Lead, Holly Hansen-Maughan, said: “We are proud to be launching such a progressive course, and one that has been tailored to help those working in our local construction industry get ahead of the curve and be part of the green recovery.

“This is a great example of how all of the excitement and networking which arose from last year’s Harrogate Climate Action Festival is translating into concrete action and movements towards positive change.”

The first course takes place in January over two days, Saturday 22 and Saturday 29, and runs from 10am to 4pm. A second course will then be held in March, on Saturday 12 and Saturday 19. Places can be booked here.

An £80 discount will be available to the first 15 course applicants – who should use the code ZEROCARBON80 – courtesy of Zero Carbon Harrogate.

The college will also be hosting a retrofit awareness event in February, after staging a successful initial awareness evening, in partnership with Zero Carbon Harrogate, last November. It takes place on Thursday 17 February.

Click here for more details.


Bringing local businesses and the college closer together

Representatives from a wide variety of businesses turned out for the launch of Harrogate College Employers’ Network in 2021, and there are plenty of forthcoming opportunities for more firms to get involved as the network (HCEN) heads into 2022.

First up will be a series of industry-specific sub-group meetings that will be held at the college between Monday 14 and Friday 18 February. Designed to encourage fruitful dialogue between employers in similar fields, the sessions will cover Energy & Construction, Health & Social Care, Hospitality & Retail, Digital, Education & Training and Business & Finance.

Each will also feature an open table discussion plus a chance to network while enjoying complimentary tea and cake.

Then on Thursday June 16, existing and new members will be invited to meet to review the network’s progress to date, explain what kinds of courses and skills they would like the college to provide, and discuss future activities.

Harrogate College launched the network as part of its ongoing work to deliver a truly employer-led curriculum, and participating businesses can help shape the courses, and skills, that are on offer.

HCEN members take part in quarterly discussion groups and enjoy a range of benefits including course discounts, plus free advertising and promotion across the college’s media platforms.

For more details about upcoming network events, and booking links, click here.


We hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of our Business Newsletter – we’ll be back with more next month!