Harrogate College Business Newsletter – November

Harrogate College prides itself on working hand in hand with local businesses and organisations to provide the skills and training they need to ensure that our economy grows and thrives. Our monthly newsletter is a handy way of keeping our partners informed of developments at the college.
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Business Newsletter – November 2022
Dear partners,

Sharing our vision for the future, and explaining how we can help businesses and organisations in the district prosper, is a major part of the college’s work.

Hospitality is one of our key sectors, so I was delighted to be asked, along with other guest speakers, to talk at the recent Helping Harrogate Hospitality event.

Our commitment to sustainability and supporting green industries is also one of our top priorities, and it was satisfying to see our efforts recognised at the 2022 Green Gown Awards, where we reached the finals.

Harrogate College prides itself on providing an inclusive and supportive learning environment, where everyone can flourish – including disabled and neurodivergent students. So we are proud to showcase some of the achievements of our learners in this edition, which coincides with UK Disability History Month. 

We have also been hearing from some of our first T Level students about how they’ve been finding these exciting new technical qualifications, which blend academic learning with industry placements.

I hope you enjoy the read.

Danny Wild
Harrogate College


Creating paths into hospitality
Harrogate College prides itself on constantly evolving to provide the skills our key local industries most need.

Principal Danny Wild was one the key speakers at Helping Harrogate Hospitality on 25 November. The event, held at Goldsborough Hall, was organised by Philip Bolson of Mr B Hospitality in partnership with the York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub.

Speaking on Supporting Hospitality for the Future, Danny told the guests and other speakers how the college was encouraging students to see the full range of opportunities that the sector offers.

Read the full story here.

Recognition for our sustainability work
Our commitment to sustainability has been recognised by a major environmental awards scheme.The Green Gown Awards celebrates examples of exceptional green projects that are being carried out by education institutions across the country.Harrogate College reached the finals this year after being shortlisted for the Tomorrow’s Employees category. The judges were impressed by the partnership work the college is doing to provide retrofit training, deliver green skills based on local feedback, and embed sustainability into its courses.

Principal Danny Wild said: “This recognition will inspire us to work even harder to become a centre of green excellence and, as outlined in our Sustainability Pledge, become a net zero college by 2035.”

Read more here.

Thumbs-up for T Levels
T Levels, with their unique mix of work-based training and classroom education, are appealing to increasing numbers of people – and especially those interested in getting a ‘head start’ into their careers.

They are also designed to help plug our local and national skills gap, and, through their vocational emphasis, improve the quality of our future workforce.

We recently asked two of the college’s Digital and IT students, Adrian and Claire, about how they have found the T Level experience so far, and what advantages it has brought.

Both of them rated the blended learning style – which involves doing 80% of the course in the classroom, and the other 20% on a quality industry placement – as a key attraction, and cited plenty of other benefits too.

Read the full story here.

Overcoming barriers in study and work
UK Disability History Month, an annual celebration of the achievements of people living with a disability, runs from 16 November to 16 December.

This year, the theme for UK Disability History Month is ‘Disability, Health and Wellbeing’. Unfortunately, there can still be a level of misunderstanding when it comes to some of the challenges disabled and neurodiverse people can experience.

Here at Harrogate College, we have a number of remarkable students who overcome challenges every day and who have gone on to enjoy personal, academic and career success. 

We spoke to three students about their experiences of wellbeing within education and how the college has supported them along the way.

Read more here.


Work with us! We are a college that prides itself on collaborating wth the district’s businesses and community groups. To find out more contact Business Engagement Advisor Susan Roberts, email: Susan.Roberts@harrogate.ac.uk,

We hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of our Business Newsletter.